All Market & Business Intelligence

Halal Food Services

05 Jul, 2021

Food and beverage serving activities providing complete meals or drinks fit for immediate consumption.

Malaysia Halal Parks

21 Jun, 2021

Malaysia's strategic geographical location has made the country an ideal Halal investment destination. There are 14 strategic locations of Halal Malaysia (HALMAS) industrial parks in Malaysia.

Halal Medical Devices

14 Jun, 2021

As the economic power of Muslims rises, so does the demand for permissible goods and services for Muslims and medical devices are no exception to this trend.

Medical Tourism

14 Jun, 2021

Muslim Medical Tourism is an emerging market segment and Malaysia has become part of the leaders in ASEAN. Malaysia’s Value Proposition as a Healthcare Destination - “Quality Care For Your Peac...

Republic of Korea - Malaysia's Halal Expor...

08 Jun, 2021

The Republic of Korea ranked 11th as Malaysia's Halal Export Destinations for 2020 with MYR 6.2 billion of Total Cumulative for the year 2016 to 2020.

JAKIM Halal Certification Process

08 Jun, 2021

Need to know how to get halal certification in Malaysia? Follow these steps and let's register today.

COVID-19 Impact on Halal Economy

01 Jun, 2021

The pandemic COVID-19 outspread has alarmed the global economy with unexpected conflicts and the impact on the Halal Economy can be seen thru this summary.

Malaysia Halal Market

01 Jun, 2021

Malaysia retains its top position within the overall Global Islamic Economy Indicator rankings, still as leading in Islamic finance, halal food, travel, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.