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Impact Study and Profiling 2016-2020 - The...

29 Dec, 2021

The Halal industry is no longer just about the food sector or Islamic banking but has over the last decade expanded across other sectors such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and health products. Mala...

Impact Study and Profiling 2016-2020 - Hal...

29 Dec, 2021

Due to JAKIM's reputation as leading certification authority and consumer confidence in Malaysia's Halal products, Malaysia is well-positioned to become a renowned Global Halal Hub. Aside from that...

Impact Study and Profiling 2016-2020 - Gro...

28 Dec, 2021

Malaysia offers the most comprehensive environment in the world for Halal human capital development, with strong government support and significant participation from training providers and academi...

Impact Study and Profiling 2016-2020 - Hal...

28 Dec, 2021

Malaysian Halal manufacturers' competitiveness was assessed based on the volume of Halal products exported and conformity to international standards. Over the last five years, 52.3% of Halal produc...

The Use of Ceramic Products Derived from A...

22 Dec, 2021

Ceramic products derived from the bones of non-halal animals have become an issue for Muslims because of unsure whether they are halal or haram. The status can be assessed by examining through the ...

What’s In Your Chocolate Bar?

22 Dec, 2021

Many people enjoy chocolate, but not everyone is aware of the ingredients in a bar of chocolate. When it comes to chocolate, little is more. Good chocolate should have no more than four ingredients...

USA 2020

22 Dec, 2021

The United States was placed third among Malaysia's Halal Export Destinations for 2020, contributing to MYR 1.7 billion. Food & Beverage became the most popular product category for export to t...

Fakta Pensijilan Halal Malaysia

08 Dec, 2021

Pensijilan Halal Malaysia dikeluarkan oleh JAKIM dan MAIN kepada pengusaha yang memohon secara sukarela dan mematuhi segala peraturan dan garis panduan yang ditetapkan. Pensijilan Halal Malaysia bu...