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Malaysia Halal Exports Report 2020

19 Apr, 2021

This overview represents Malaysia Halal Exports Report for the year 2020. It shows value on halal contribution, top destinations, continent, industry size, Bumiputera status.

Malaysia Halal Exports 2019 - Cosmetics & ...

19 Apr, 2021

Overview of current Halal exports for Cosmetics & Personal Care category, which consists of a contribution to overall Malaysia exports.

3 Ways How Halal Practices Help Prevent Co...

29 Mar, 2021

In line with Islamic teaching, the concept of Halal Toyyiban is defined as PERMISSIBLE and PURE. This applies not just to food and drinks consumed but also in lifestyle.


22 Mar, 2021

With 200.3M of Total Outbound Muslim Travellers for the year 2019, Muslim-Friendly Tourism is the worst-hit sector by the COVID-19 globally.

The Boom of Halal Economy

22 Mar, 2021

Global insights on Halal Economy - halal market by sector and total Muslim spending by region.

How will blockchain impact halal supply ch...

22 Mar, 2021

Distributed ledger technology that can record transactions between parties securely & permanently.

Malaysia Halal Exports 2019 - Pharmaceutic...

25 Jan, 2021

Overview of current Halal exports for Pharmaceutical category, which consists of a contribution to overall Malaysia exports.

Halal Industry Report Card 2016 - 2019

25 Jan, 2021

This report shows briefly on Halal Certified Companies, Halal Export and Investment for the year 2016 until 2019.